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Filming Interviews

Hi everyone,

I just thought I'd write up a quick blog post about something I've had to tackle recently; the interview. I've never had any practice at shooting interviews, especially with big names like BBC Radio 1's; Ali Plumb... but recent events have found me doing just that!

Unfortunately when you're shooting interviews at an event, you don't always have the time and the privilege to make your interview look... pretty. On a few occasions I've found myself looking back at footage and squirming. Such as when we had to quickly leave our planned filming space for a Sam and Danni interview, and instead film by a blown out window.

Sometimes you don't even get the interview at all. There has been a number of occasions now where myself and the rest of the team have waited for a particular guest, only to miss our chance to speak to them. It's annoying, but it can't be helped unfortunately.

It's great fun though, and you get to meet some really interesting people. Last year I was fortunate enough to attend the Radio Academy Festival 2022. At the festival I got the opportunity to film the likes of Adele Roberts, Scott Mills, Sam Ryder, Jess Phillips, Michelle Visage, Emma Barnett, and many more! I mostly spent the day rushing around each event, filming a variety of videos for

One of the most interesting interviews we did this year was with RadioGPT's founder; Daniel Anstandig. Hearing an expert talk about the future of AI is pretty scary stuff...

Another highlight was speaking with the BBC Radio 1 breakfast producers. Tom and Jenny are the brains behind some of the most genius radio ideas in history.

While they might be stressful, on the fly interviewing can be really fun. I'm looking forward to attending more events in future to shoot some more!

Until next time,


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